Tennessee Women in Science, Technology, Engineering & Research (TWISTER) Conference

All – Time sensitive information! AAUW Nashville was approached by TWISTER for volunteers. Here is a brief overview of what the Tennessee Women in Science, Technology, Engineering  & Research (TWISTER) Conference is:

TWISTER is a day-long professional conference for high school girls, presented by women working in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) professions. Presenters share details about their careers, help steer participants to educational pathways, and give a little taste of daily life in the workplace through hands-on activities. The goal of TWISTER is to inform and motivate girls to pursue careers in STEM by connecting them with professional women working in STEM career fields.


Here is a message from Karissa Kessen with the Adventure Science Center:

Our Public Programs Manager, Lacey Criss, is recruiting TWISTER committee members within the next week, and the first TWISTER Committee meeting will be Wednesday November 15 from 12:30pm until 1:30pm.

If you know anyone at AAUW Nashville who would be interested in volunteering – either as a presenter, committee member, or day-of volunteer – please have them reach out to Lacey at (615) 401-5107 or lcriss@adventuresci.org. Lacey’s out of the office until Thursday but will respond as soon as she returns.

I’m so glad that we were able to connect. Community partners, who are committed to STEM engagement and enrichment activities for young women, are essential in making this TWISTER conference happen each year.