Day on the Hill 2018

Day on the Hill is this Wednesday!

One of AAUW Tennessee’s biggest advocacy events each year is joining other women’s organizations from across Tennessee for a day of meeting with our legislators and/or their staffs to advocate for the issues we want them to support this legislative session

Here is the link to the schedule of meetings with legislators.

If you plan to attend, please sign up for the meetings that you can make it to.

There will also be a hearing for House Bill 1904, one of the equal pay bills, on Wednesday 3/14, at 10:30. AAUW members will attend and attempt to sit in the front row and be as visible as possible. (Bill Summary can be read here.)

If attending Day on the Hill, wear a red top, scarf, etc. Someone will also print AAUW TN signs to hold up.

If you cannot make it, there will be a live stream available on the TN General Assembly website. The link is not yet available but it should be somewhere near this page.