AAUW Survey: Strategic Plan

The following is from CEO, Kim Churches

Dear AAUW Members,

Thanks to a lot of important input, external and internal analysis and feedback from member leaders, the Strategic Planning Task Force has made significant progress in developing a draft strategic plan for AAUW. The task force now needs the input of AAUW members in support of the continuing refinement of the plan.

  • The welcome page for the survey provides an update on the overall development of this plan.
  • The full plan is accessible online. Please refer to this document as you answer questions in the survey.
  • Survey completion should take 10–15 minutes. You can leave the survey and return later to complete it if you return on the same device and with the same browser.
  • Results will be folded back into the plan draft and then further discussed by the
  • Strategic Planning Task Force and AAUW Board of Directors.
  • Access the survey.

Please consider completing your survey answers by 6:00 pm ET Tuesday, May 1, if your schedule allows.

On behalf of the Board, the Strategic Plan Task Force and the national staff, please know how grateful I am for your time and attention to this important work as we refine our path forward.


Kimberly Churches
Chief Executive Officer