2019 Note from CEO, Kim Churches

As we begin a New Year, there’s plenty of reason to believe gender equity is within our grasp. Look at all the progress made in the past year alone.

For example, thousands of women across the country are negotiating for the salary they deserve thanks to our Work Smart workshops. Work Smart is also now available online and can be taken anywhere, any time — bringing us one step closer to our goal of training 10 million women over the next four years! In addition, AAUW is partnering with employers and legislators nationwide to create policies and practices that ensure fair pay.

I wish the newly elected members of Congress and governors — a record number of whom are female — could witness the vitality and determination I’ve seen time and again from the women working with us to close the pay gap by 2030. Over the past three years, we’ve helped spur more than a dozen states to pass equal pay laws, and 40 to introduce similar legislation in 2018 alone. We will continue that momentum in 2019!

Your support is fueling this energy.

In addition, your commitment to AAUW’s mission and work is facilitating our fight to keep Title IX strong and build better leadership pathways for women. Women are vastly underrepresented at the top in business, government, and even the nonprofit realm, despite the fact that they comprise 75 percent of workers in education, health care, and social assistance — the sectors that encompass most nonprofits.

As you can see, we have much work ahead in 2019. Thank you for your willingness to proudly join us in this fight.

Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and equitable new year,

Kim Churches Headshot Kim
Kimberly Churches
Chief Executive Officer
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