Final Stretch – Title IX Needs YOU

It’s a new year and a new Congress, but the Department of Education is continuing to roll back protections for students — and time is running out to speak out against their proposed changes to Title IX that will ultimately make students less safe in schools.

The Department of Education needs to hear from you today. Add your name today to AAUW’s petition opposing the proposed changes.

We have until January 28 — less than three weeks — to provide feedback in the rule-making process, which is why your action is vital today. Will you speak up for Title IX?

Thanks for all that you do,
-The AAUW Policy Team
AAUW Action Network

It’s time to take action for Title IX.

In 2017, the administration began its systematic attack on Title IX, and even announced that additional rollbacks were coming. On November 16, it happened — the Department of Education issued a plan to make sweeping changes to Title IX’s regulations, which would have significant implications for students’ civil rights and for federal enforcement of the law.

Title IX protects all students from discrimination — students of all genders, from kindergarten through college. But these expansive changes put those protections at risk.

We need your help to fight to stop these changes.

It’s the Department of Education’s job to keep all students safe and to keep schools free from discrimination, including sexual harassment and violence. These proposed changes would weaken Title IX’s protections by narrowing the definition of sexual harassment to allow schools to exclude much of the abuse students experience, limiting when schools will respond, and putting in place processes that make it harder for students to come forward when they experience sexual harassment or assault. Simply put, these changes will make schools less safe for students.

We now have an opportunity to weigh in with the Department of Education on their proposed changes. It’s crucial that advocates speak up — loudly — and fight back against any attacks on Title IX that attempt to diminish students’ protections.

We can’t let the Department of Education weaken Title IX. Add your name today to oppose the changes, and to learn more about how you can help fight back.