November 5 – AAUW Murfreesboro hosting celebration of Women Warriors

Join AAUW Murfreesboro for an evening of celebration to honor Women Warriors on Tuesday, November 5.

Local veteran’s organizations are nominating women veterans in the community who stand out in their service through the military, volunteerism, family, and business. Come celebrate their work with food, drinks, and gifts. Keynote speaker will be Capt. (R) Jennifer Vedral-Baron, the Director of the VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System.

All women veterans are invited to attend. Nominees are encouraged to bring their family and friends to share in the celebration! Members of nominating organizations are invited as well. Please RSVP so we know to expect you.

The event will be held from 5PM to 7PM at the MTSU Ingram Building (2269 Middle Tennessee Boulevard, Murfreesboro). AAUW Murfreesboro asks that you RSVP via Eventbrite so they know to expect you.