January 14 – Journey to Jubilee Presentation

DESCRIPTION: Join AAUW Nashville to hear speaker Brigette Jones, Director of African American Studies at Belle Meade Plantation present “Journey to Jubilee,” which follows the first African-Americans who were brought to Belle Meade in 1807, and shows how vital their presence was to the existence of the property and to the family until 1906.

These men and women were here from enslavement to freedom. They endured, and we want to honor them by telling their story. In this tour, nearly one-hundred years of their history is explored through the research of primary sources. Come trace their existence through the history of Belle Meade Plantation on their Journey to Jubilee.

ABOUT BRIGETTE JONES: Brigette Jones is the Director of African American Studies at the Belle Meade Plantation Museum in Nashville, Tennessee. As a native Memphian, Brigette was consumed with the difficult history of the south as a child and used that curiosity to propel her to graduate from Tennessee State University in 2014 with a degree in American and African American History with a particular focus on southern racial studies. Brigette is a 2019 graduate of the Smithsonian Institute: National Museum of African American History and Culture, Interpreting African American History Fellowship Program. She has also been featured on Channel 2, 5, and 17; as well as NPR for her work. Brigette is also a published, contributing writer for the Tennesseean and Belle Meade Living Magazine.ir story. In this tour, nearly one-hundred years of their history is explored through the research of primary sources. Come trace their existence through the history of Belle Meade Plantation on their Journey to Jubilee.

More Information and RSVP Here!

ABOUT TICKETS: Reserving a spot/attending this talk is FREE. However, if you reserve a spot, please make every effort to attend this amazing program. Spots will go fast and we have space limititations – if you reserve a ticket and don’t show up, you may be preventing someone else from enjoying this wonderful program. (We recognize plans change and emergencies happen!)