2020 Vision: The Gender Agenda Webinar

On January 28, 2020, AAUW CEO Kim Churches held the inaugural webinar in the 2020 convening series that will cover AAUW’s equity priorities for this year at the federal, state and local levels.  Churches was Joined by Gloria Blackwell, Senior Vice President for Fellowships and Programs, and Kate Nielson, Director of Public Policy and Legal Advocacy.  A recording of the webinar can be seen here.  Topics covered in the webinar include:

  • AAUW’s Grassroots & the Gender Agenda: Our Public Policy Path in 2020
  • 19th Amendment at 100 and VRA at 55. What’s next?
  • 2019 Philanthropy and the Match: Update
  • AAUW 5 Star Program

The also launched AAUW’s Your Story. Our Legacy. project. AAUW wants to collect your stories for the AAUW Archives!  Share a moment in time that has made you most proud during your AAUW membership.  Samples of answers will be shared in upcoming editions of Mission & Action and future webinars.