RSVP! March 11 – Day on the Hill 2020

The annual Women’s Day on the Hill will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.  Women’s Day on the Hill is your chance to get a closer look at the legislative process, meet and speak to legislators and network with other organizations in Nashville that work towards similar goals.


    • Early morning breakfast for all participating organizations, literature and hand-outs will be provided.
    • AAUW will walk over to the legislative building, where we meet in the hallway to decide which 3-4 members (seasoned and new members) will meet with which legislators. This is all very collegial and supportive.
    • We’ll have a group lunch and then more meeting sessions in the afternoon!  Please note that more information on registration for lunch is forthcoming.
    • Session Sign Up Form – Peggy Swan is setting up meeting times for AAUW and will share a session sign up form in a few weeks.

You can RSVP for Day on the Hill here

Please feel free to reach out to Peggy Swan with any questions.  She is also happy to help you decide which legislators you would be most interested in visiting.