Mentoring Monday

I just happened upon something that the Nashville Business Journal does. Mentoring Monday. This is the first I’ve heard of it. I was able to squeeze in as a late-registrant and I am so glad I did! I wish I had known earlier, as I would have gotten the word out to everyone else… I highly recommend getting this event on your calendar for next year. I will certainly give a heads-up. Here’s a recap.

Mentoring Monday by BizWomen and Nashville Business Journal – A speed mentoring, coaching and networking event.

  • Registration, Breakfast and Mingling
  • Keynote Speaker – 30 Minute Interview Format between Speaker and the Editor at BizJournal – I liked this format and the questions were arranged to speak on a wide range of relevant topics. There was also a Q&A session at the end.
    • (Sidenote – Tip for Networking and Speaker Events: I ALWAYS like to be one of the questioners! I spend time thinking about a good question, what I’d like the speaker to address, what the conversation is lacking, etc – Not only does this give me more public speaking experience, but it makes me memorable. I am then able to continue that conversation with the speaker or anyone else at the event.).
    • See the write up about Catherine Bessant, COO/CTO at Bank of America, Keynote Speaker 2018
  • Speed Networking – Mentors and Mentees are matched for 7 minute long conversations and then you switch. There’s time in between where you can mingle or you can get in line and hop in with another Mentor who wasn’t on your original schedule!
  • Breakout Sessions – I didn’t attend any of the breakout sessions. I did three rounds of speed networking because I had to get back to my office. But the topics ranged from Having Tough Conversations to Building Your Own Brand – and next year, when I have more time to prepare for attending this event I will certainly attend the break out sessions.

I was a late registrant so they did not have me “paired-up” with matched mentors, but that didn’t end up being a problem. They ask you to come prepared with a few topic questions so that you and your mentor can jump right into the meat of a conversation. This was extremely helpful and I came up with questions suiting my unique, current, career path and goals.