Reminder: Tues, 6/12/18 – Gender and the Millennial Generation

First, a quick note from President Sherry Elrod.

Hello, Everyone,

I am not going to be able to attend the upcoming regular branch meeting on the 12th, and I’m really sorry to miss seeing all of you and missing Laine’s program.  Rachel Wright is going to stand in for me at the meeting.  I will be traveling outside the US and don’t return in time to attend this one.  So you all have a wonderful time socializing with each other and enjoying the program without me.  I’ll be thinking about you and hope that each of you are having a great summer.

Warm regards,
Sherry Elrod

Gender and the Millennial Generation

Laine Walters Young, Vanderbilt University Ph.D. Candidate in Religion, Psychology and Culture

“Laine Walters Young will speak about intimacy and the millennial generation. She connects continuing gender inequalities with why young adults are increasingly marrying only after achieving financial and psychological stability. In her talk, she highlights how gender is a highly relevant, yet underestimated factor in how millennials interact romantically and sexually at college parties, as well as in dating, internet matching, cohabitation, and marriage. As a scholar of religion, she studies the changes and constancies of human intimacy for their pitfalls as well as their potentials for progressive toward a more feminist and queer world. “