AAUW Statement on Retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy

WASHINGTON — AAUW Chief Executive Officer Kim Churches released the following statement after the announcement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement.

“In recent terms, the Supreme Court has weakened many protections that are critical to the equity of women and girls, including decisions rolling back employment discrimination laws and labor rights, undermining reproductive health choices, and gutting voting rights. With the retirement of Justice Kennedy, we are at a crossroads. The U.S. Supreme Court is the arbiter of so many of our most fundamental rights and the next justice will be able to have a say in the health, education, and economic security of women and girls for decades to come.  Therefore, it is crucial that Justice Kennedy’s successor be a fair-minded and independent jurist who understands that his or her decisions have a very real impact on the daily lives and decisions of women and their families.

So much of the work of AAUW in fighting for gender equity hangs in the balance with this Supreme Court vacancy. Any nominee must be the result of meaningful bipartisan consultation, fully vetted by the Senate, and held accountable for any record of bias. We urge all senators to ensure our next Supreme Court justice has a clear reputation for fairness and independence and values equality and inclusion.”

For media inquiries, contact Amy Becker at beckera@aauw.org or 202.785.7756.