Announcing 2018/2019 Program Schedule

We’ve got an exciting year coming up, with several social events, several fund raising and service events and some amazing speakers. We’re kicking things off in September with a Cocktail Hour.

  • SeptemberCocktail Hour at Germantown Cafe
  • OctoberMovie Screening “She’s Beautiful When She‘s Angry, Join us for a movie which examines the roots of the women’s movement in the 1960’s and ‘70’s and moves up through recent events and issues that we are still fighting for now.
  • NovemberRenewal House, Renewal House provides specialized addiction treatment to women and their children. They are the only long-term residential addiction treatment program in Middle Tennessee that treats women and their children together.
  • TBD – Clay Lady Campus / Ceramics, Tour a local woman owned business and artists’ co op community. Take part in an art project (small fee).
  • DecemberHoliday Potluck Party with Silent Auction, Bring your favorite dish and participate in our fundraising silent auction.
  • JanuaryWomen’s March, Join us during this year‘s Women’s March.
  • FebruaryTBD
  • MarchPanel of Women in Leadership, A unique panel discussion with women in leadership positions.
  • AprilAnnual State Meeting, Meet members from across the state, learn more about the state organization and Tennessee’s AAUW projects.
  • MayProgramming Retreat, Set the course for the next year! Provide feedback, submit ideas and more.
  • JuneService Project, We will be deciding on a service project for the month of June.