AAUW statement on stagnant gender pay gap

WASHINGTON DC —AAUW Chief Executive Officer Kimberly Churches issued the following statement in response to newly released U.S. Census Bureau figures showing that the gender pay gap remains unchanged.

“Pay equity has dominated headlines this year, but change has yet to reach our pocketbooks and bank accounts. Today’s news is that women still make 82 cents* on the dollar compared to men. And the numbers are dramatically worse for Black women (62 cents) and Latinas (54 cents) compared to white men.”

“But there’s nothing really new about that: These statistics have been stuck around the same levels for almost two decades. Based on historic rates, the gap won’t close for 75 years – until 2093. And that’s just too long. It’s time we all stand up and demand basic fairness.”

Read the full statement at AAUW.org.

* Note: The U.S. Census Bureau adjusted its pay data methodology for this year (2018 data) changing the reported gap, but this does not reflect a real change in America. The gap is not statistically different from last year.