October 5 – Healthy and Free Tennessee 2019 Statewide Convening

Healthy and Free Tennessee will be hosting their 2019 statewide convening on Saturday, October 5 from 8:00AM to 5:30PM at the Tennessee State University Avon Williams Campus (330 10th Ave. N.).  The topic will be “Reproductive Freedom: What’s race got to do with it?” Topics will include eugenics, history of reproductive oppression and resistance in the U.S. South, tracking the White supremacist anti-choice agenda, and anti-oppression tools for organizations, among others. The keynote address will be delivered by Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson, a nationally recognized organizer and co-executive director of the Historic Highlander Research and Education Center.

For more information and to register for the free convening, please visit HFTN’s website.