October 24 – Nashville TogetherDigital October Meetup: Gender Diversity and Inclusion

Join Nashville TogetherDigital at Tailgate Brewery for an open and candid conversation regarding everything you need to know about gender inclusivity.

Nashville TogetherDigital is hosting a panel to discuss the current state of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, how gender and inclusion is a part of this, and identify the most impactful ways we can motivate change for the future. TogetherDigital is an association dedicated to accelerating the advancement and growth of women in digital fields by giving women the most powerful tool in their arsenal: one another.

TogetherDigital founder Alaina Shearer will serve as moderator for the following panelists:

  • Ammo, Nationally recognized author and activist, formerly of MTV’s The Real World
  • Brynn Plummer, Vice President of Inclusion & Community Relations at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center
  • Lauren Bland, Membership Manager, Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce
  • PLUS Pam Sheffer of Oasis Center will guide us in a “What’s your SOGIE?” Gender Bias Interactive Activity

The panel will be held at Tailgate Brewery (7300 Charlotte Pike) from 1PM to 4PM on Thursday, October 24.  Click here to register and learn more information about the event and the speakers.