Best Cities for Women’s Pay – 2019 Edition

The pay gap remains a very real struggle for women around the U.S. The latest number from AAUW estimates that, on average, women earn around 80% of what their male counterparts earn in the workforce. This, in turn, significantly hurts their ability to save enough to meet their financial goals. There are some cities, though, where that gender pay gap is less than in others – and some where it may have started wide but is rapidly narrowing.

SmartAsset analyzed data across 150 cities to find the best cities in the country for women’s pay. Specifically, they considered median earnings for women, growth in women’s earnings, women’s earnings as a percentage of men’s and the change in women’s earnings as a percentage of men’s. They reached the following key findings:

  • California and Texas dominate the top 10 and 25. Within the top 10, there are three California cities and three Texas cities. Within the top 25, there are six California cities and also six Texas cities.
  • Pay equity still needs more progress. While many cities have seen the women’s earnings as a percentage of men’s earnings go up, more than half of the cities in the study have seen it go down. According to our data, 89 of the 150 cities considered saw women’s earnings decrease as a percentage of men’s. There are only two cities in the entire study – Oakland, California and Dallas, Texas – where women’s earnings are at least equal to men’s. Dallas, though, does not crack the top 10 in the overall study on the best cities for women’s pay, because average women’s earnings and growth in women’s earnings there are not as high as in the top cities on the list.

For details on data sources and to see the final results, click here.