Category Archives: Events

Upcoming AAUW webinar: COVID-19 and the Labor Economy: What’s Next?

Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 3 P.M. CST

Join us for a conversation with economist Diane Lim where we will discuss how the ongoing pandemic has affected the labor economy and what it means for women, people of color and low-wage workers. Lim has spent her 30-plus year career in a variety of prominent roles in the federal government, nonprofit, and academic sectors. The author of the EconomistMom blog, Lim recently published an analysis of Asian women and unemployment during the pandemic. Her analysis delivers a bird’s eye-view of how all women are managing the competing demands for their time outside of their careers.

Register Now!

August 18 – NPL Votes for Women Grand Opening

On the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, join Nashville Public Library for a celebration of inclusion, inspiration, and voice. The virtual grand opening for the interactive exploration exhibit will feature special guest Rosanne Cash — singer, songwriter, author, and narrator of the PBS documentary By One Vote: Woman Suffrage in the South. Click the button below for more information about the grand opening.

In 1920, when the Tennessee Legislature cast its tie-breaking vote to ratify the 19th Amendment, cities across the U.S. rang bells in recognition — but Nashville did not. On August 18, Nashville breaks that silence with the loudest celebration of the summer. This virtual experience will culminate with neighbors, universities, and other institutions citywide ringing bells, big and small.

Click Here for More Information!

RSVP! March 11 – Day on the Hill 2020

The annual Women’s Day on the Hill will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.  Women’s Day on the Hill is your chance to get a closer look at the legislative process, meet and speak to legislators and network with other organizations in Nashville that work towards similar goals.


    • Early morning breakfast for all participating organizations, literature and hand-outs will be provided.
    • AAUW will walk over to the legislative building, where we meet in the hallway to decide which 3-4 members (seasoned and new members) will meet with which legislators. This is all very collegial and supportive.
    • We’ll have a group lunch and then more meeting sessions in the afternoon!  Please note that more information on registration for lunch is forthcoming.
    • Session Sign Up Form – Peggy Swan is setting up meeting times for AAUW and will share a session sign up form in a few weeks.

You can RSVP for Day on the Hill here

Please feel free to reach out to Peggy Swan with any questions.  She is also happy to help you decide which legislators you would be most interested in visiting.

March 11 – Women’s Day on the Hill 2020

Save the date! Women’s Day on the Hill 2020 will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.  Women’s Day on the Hill is an annual event where over organizations focusing on women’s economic security, medical autonomy, physical safety and more gather and spend the day meeting with legislators.  This year, AAUW will be meet with members on the Employee Affairs Subcommittee.
Why Should You Attend?
  • Day on the Hill is a unique opportunity to learn more about the legislative process, which has very real implications on our day-to-day lives.
  • You are able to meet our state legislators with the ability to pass bills benefitting women, children, families.
  • You can network with other local organizations who care about the same things we do.
  • Because you can attend for even a half day and walk away with a whole new perspective.
  • To make a difference.

Please contact us with questions. We look forward to seeing you on March 11!

February 11 – Technology, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

DESCRIPTION: Come hear AAUW Nashville’s own Tracy DeTomasi, Head of Training Programs and Social Impact with Good People Solutions speak about how her technology company seeks to make it easier for companies to increase diversity and inclusion within in their employee base.

More Information and RSVP Here!

ABOUT TICKETS: Reserving a spot/attending this talk is FREE. However, if you reserve a spot, please make every effort to attend this amazing program. Spots will go fast and we have space limititations – if you reserve a ticket and don’t show up, you may be preventing someone else from enjoying this wonderful program. (We recognize plans change and emergencies happen!)

December 10 – Holiday Potluck and Silent Auction

AAUW Nashville’s annual holiday potluck will be held on Tuesday, December 10 from 7:00-9:00PM.  Members are invited to bring a significant other, friend or kids to this event, to be held at a member’s house.  Proceeds from the silent auction will support AAUW Nashville’s operating budget, allowing us to defray expenses for group activities and branch resources.  Please RSVP and sign up for a potluck item at the links below. We look forward to seeing you on December 10!

RSVP for the potluck.

Submit item for the potluck here.