Category Archives: News

Two Minute Activist: Demand that your Senators fight for a just and fair Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing is difficult to grieve when her final wish was immediately disregarded by the U.S. Senate. She led by example that the Supreme Court belongs to no political party, but rather to the American people. Her legacy of being a principled defender of justice has been left for us to continue. The future of our country rests on this crucial process.

Demand that your Senators fight for a just and fair Supreme Court.

Yet some of our elected leaders jumped on the opportunity of a Justice’s death to show utter disregard for the proper political process to fill a seat on the high court. The people must retain the power to decide on the leaders who select our court, who defend our rights, and protect our future. The election is already underway and will conclude in less than six weeks—is it just and fair for this monumental decision to fall to those leaders currently being chosen by voters?

Our nation is reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, an economic crisis, reckoning with our long and painful history with racism, and how to access the vote in a critical election year. But the Senate is refusing to consider legislative relief. Instead, they have abandoned this great responsibility to focus on expediting a process to ram through a politically opportune nominee for one of the most important jobs in the country. A full and fair vetting process is vital to determine the nominee’s qualifications and temperament, but it takes time and consideration. The Senate has previously shown that they are willing to disregard this duty by rubber-stamping the past two Supreme Court nominations. The Senate must prioritize the health and safety of the country over political power—conducting a rushed hearing process would harm our nation for generations.

We hold Justice Ginsburg’s memory as inspiration: continue the fight for gender equity and representation where decisions are made. This election year, we are elevating the voices of all people in the selection of all branches of their government. It is critical that the Senate honor the people’s part in the selection of our next Supreme Court Justice.

October 1 – AAUW Webinar on the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Perspectives from the AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund: Justice Ginsburg’s Legacy and the Future of the Court

Thursday, October 1, 2020  2 p.m. ET

In the wake of the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we invite you to join us for a webinar to learn about the accomplishments of this titan of justice and what the future holds. As evidenced by her honor as a 1999 AAUW Achievement Awardee, Justice Ginsburg was a champion for the rights of women and girls, and hugely instrumental in advancing AAUW’s priorities. But what does the future hold for her seat on the bench and how will it impact AAUW’s work? Join AAUW CEO Kim Churches and Director of Public Policy and Legal Advocacy Kate Nielson for a discussion of the past, the future, and your role in shaping history.

Register Here!

September 16 – Book Group Discussion of The Woman’s Hour

On September 16, Melissa Gresalfi, dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons at Vanderbilt University, will host a special book group discussion of The Woman’s Hour featuring the author Elaine Weiss.

The Ingram Commons will provide electronic copies of the book to Vanderbilt students who register through Anchor Link. Interested community members who do not have a Vanderbilt log-in can register to attend by contacting Rory Dicker, Director of the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center at Vanderbilt.


September 17 – Constitution Day Conversation with Elaine Weiss

5:30 p.m. CST; held via Zoom

Vanderbilt University invites you to join author Elaine Weiss for a discussion of her book, The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Votefollowed by an audience Q&A. Weiss will be joined by Bonnie Dow, professor of communication studies and dean of academic initiatives in the College of Arts and Science, and student panelist Sydney Taylor. Taylor was an intern at the Nashville Public Library, where she worked on the newly opened Votes for Women Room.

The Constitution Day event is sponsored by Vanderbilt’s residential colleges. Register by going to the following link, or by contacting Rory Dicker, Director of the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center at Vanderbilt.